Meet Our Team

Carmin McQuan - Corporate Controller

Orlando Vargas, Regional Director of Operations, Arizona

Knowing where money is coming from and where it is going is the first step to making smarter business decisions and accelerating through growth. That’s the part of business at National Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers that is exciting and interesting to Carmin.  Shaman of Sums, Ace of Auditing, Marvel of Moolah; she keeps the coinage in order and accounted for. If there’s a number to be crunched, you can bet she’s already crunching it. Carmin’s career prior to National Breathe Free Sinus and Allergy included financial leadership roles at Viacom/CBS, Nickelodeon, Lyft, Netflix, American Express, Blackrock, and has also held financial controller positions within the hedge fund, venture capital, and law firm landscapes. Carmin graduated with honors from Indiana Wesleyan University with a B.A. in Finance & Accounting.

Carmin is exhilarated by solving problems and developing not only ideas, but the people behind the ideas. Her high-energy dynamic is magnetic, and she has a gift of being able to engage with a team and empower her team to their fullest potential. Born and raised in Canada, Carmin currently resides in Manhattan, NYC. She is always the first to volunteer for a challenge, loves public speaking, and thrives on leadership. When she’s not running numbers, she’s running vocal warmups as a professional singer & trained pianist, skiing, surfing the waves at Rockaway Beach, or playing fiercely competitive Super Mario Brothers marathons with her kids.